. -- rehr or blessed or whatever, but i have been lucky. i am 63 and i'm around kids. i am acting with jason schwartz men and kazakh galifianakis -- lezak galifianakis, who are my kids aged. they're sweet and a want to include me. but when the hell that i have to be included? i used to be the clude. tavis: you are already included in and now you are being the clude. >> at this stage, you want to be relevant still. i have a character who desperately wants to be relevant, hanging around young people, smoking dope, and do not leave me out. whatever you are doing i want to do, too. it resonates with me. tavis: this book, first, it is a beautiful book. i am a design and layout person. that is to say nothing about the empowerment that is in here. let me start by asking how this became your cause because there are so many personalities, so many celebrities in this town who at certain points in their careers attached their name and their work and their value that this sum -- to something that is necessary. how did this become ted danson? >> in a lot of ways -- you know, cheers