after her father comes her father reveals bradley's real age to her and... hands over a letter from reichen from well that is, where in general the mother talks about her affair and julie he finds out that there was some kind of right thing that she removed herself from this situation, i think yes, because there the madness would grow to infinite limits, well look, when she drives in the car out of town with predley, they are just starting this relationship, they don’t have yet, so to speak, well, real some kind of flat. it simply couldn’t be otherwise, in principle, maybe, here the mordy also lays the idea that perhaps creative people in principle do not maybe healthy relationships and well in the generally accepted in the generally accepted sense i think yes i think it can't be possible creative people can coincide so to speak like cockroaches and maybe for this bradley the whole story was well such a swing of this internal pendulum, in order to give out in the end like this... this text, it is interesting as a text, the black prince, as a text, well if we consider it as art, yes, it is i