joining me now to discuss that is reporter reid wilson from" the hill." >> to explain what happened in these two districts. >> there's this term called packing and cracking. and essentially what the court said to the texas legislature did was they packed hispanic voters into one district that centered around austin and they cracked those voters apart in different communities. they divided similar communities in another district on the east coast of texas and a third district that runs along the texas-mexico border. this is all part of a pattern that parties engage in, in states think control state legislatures in hopes of building more safe republican districts and in cementing their majority in the u.s. house of representatives. >> there used to be communities the department of justice would monitor and say hey you've got a history of bad voting practices. we want to get in there. that was kind of lifted by the supreme court, what happens this that case now? >> what we see voting rights voaks doing now is challenging these gerrymanders, under section 2 of the voting rights act, that r