reilley ran the last police chief surgeon on his own and did not have a the suggestion would be maybewe should schedule with these three meetings -- and did thes/t a quorum.ings -- and did the suggestion would be maybe we should schedule these three meetings. let us pick some dates and schedule the first meeting as a quorum 15 days from today, 15 days from tomorrow, which is a thursday evening. secretary reilly: we could do that. we have to confirm that location and make sure the location is available tomorrow in order to make the 15 days. commissioner hammer: just briefly, the think you were reading of my notes. i agree with everything you have said in terms of the number of meetings and the locations. i am open to accepting them if others are as well. i think it provides access to people from different parts of the city. i think the most important stakeholders are police officers, 2000 folks about to be led by somebody else. i want to hear their opinions about what they think they need to do to move the apartment -- department for work. i think we have to move very quickly. if we ar