. >> president turman: reimbursemm pt state? or oç sonoma?s is deteared a state staf emergency. so we're -- i think there are fl funds available for that. but it does take time. >> president turman: i believe e another presentation? >> we'll introduce the sergeante second part of our presentation. >> chief scott, director hender. chief of staff, i received the k management office which i will e today's second and third quarte7 fdrb finding, recommendations ak sergeant kruder to gift present. i want to introduce two new mem. sergeant torres and christina fn the audience. they are two new editions to ths team and rmo. >> welcome aboard. thank you for joining us tonigh. good evening sergeant krudo. >> good evening president turma. all right. president turman, commissioners, director henderson, chief scottm sergeant john krudoç on the investigations team. i'm going to present a combinatf the second and third quarter 20m discharge review board report os well as i'll give you a snapshoe current status of officer-invold as i begin, you should all h