eyview d e s reinconste, aneareto sp in on stand. e r ado >> wy, lego ci. we ve rng foty, and ise he movi o duor t . let's gohead and tlook at becsear very concebout the dupl couwewayncoty i ve strong vecityoupl, we , where avthe incomingd outgng wierrylo to ea r, us tcking t . and so wwel is k o and to e rrt point the ro nt it wilbe feed over e e ne 13 te the o rng rtt, 5 mipeur the wainwacoty dhe s ving nst and it tand tpotentl flippingo southeastern ptis ay county. e bout t litt er gro ere, restm trk atjust su e, that nt, thane hi passo e ldopul te rtand stofnsto b now e ma mmunn whh sibly risk ther aing,he storm appes be in. ai thstorm in dn coun apprs tit stngd as itmonoh pactnoheas rt > in and now until 1:p.that conts oost imprve. i wa tom re toe u i str is some labeling here, we wi mi tordhe d d fdar over sohat isver one miles f on ent e are saling thstore abov thheres no to w in at theund t ss thattharevenger thwe ab samp he let's go wi viand put the coal spy los re seei. u n setoe , gog ets f of hereand r e our, th severe thuntod haveotn y ado wain