. >> reinhardt, director of san francisco open government. --ray hart, director of san francisco open government. i want to acknowledge that the agenda is good. all the members on which the matter of public -- all the matters on which members of the public may wish to comment on are arranged in front of the closed session and there will be no reason to deny their free- speech rights and their ability under the sunshine ordinance to participate in the session. i would like to comment on something that occurred last week. during one of my comments, i paused. after a couple seconds, the presiding officer said, "we are not going to comment." i know that, because it says under police commission rules of order that during public comment commissioners are not to enter into debate with the speakers. however, i would remind you of the week prior, where i had some comments on the occ director's report. it was the statistical reports through [unintelligible] following my comments, the officer said, "we do not usually respond to this, but i want to do ex