these are the reinharts, dr. carmen reinhart and dr. vincent reinhart. and this is what they concluded following severe financial crises. they found that economic recoveries are shallower and take much longer. here what they said in their analysis. "real per capita g.d.p. growth rates are significantly lower during the decade following severe financial crises. in the ten-year window following severe financial crises, unemployment rates are significantly higher than in the decade that preceded the crisis. the decade of relative prosperity prior to the fall was importantly fueled by an expansion in credit and rising leverage that spans about ten years. it is followed by a lengthy period of retrenchment that most often only begins after the crisis and lasts almost as long as the credit surge." madam president, what they are reporting to us, after looking at long period of economic history and dozens of countries, that after a financial crisis, recovery takes much longer than is typical from a standard recession. madam president, we now have a bill that is s