need so start rembeng anknow wertheare. what the decay curves are and their life expectancy to know where to put that. we can work with that and improvon them. as we improve our climate models we c use those tools talk to each other. one of the things i'd like to leave on the table a lot of us should work together to kn where the ppes are for world peace. >> there's n is a classic story i will not tell about joe and his kwledge of where the pipes are. i want to tie a couple of things together the consensus issue was raised. i want to come back to this point thatnot everything is equally uncertainty. if you look at consensus. sea level is going up not down, temperature is going up, not down. snow melt is going to melt faster, not slower and run off d have mntned georbrots yon'know mooae. vee emendous s ain udead e as a studdainos s now hioherican rve and n l fuls oydrotions d ty got mage nftionwt t cod beowam ich l ofyou s arelyig co thhat er r iormautfd magefamwthtowh of ineace ood a. nrmatenorus va o wars. >>ha ou aacl ug