and i have met my husband at remploy. 0h got to get your chance.yes. this is about much more than just a salary. the government told us remploy‘s lota had widespread support and allowed them to help more people with disabilities into mainstream jobs. but the employment gap for people with learning disabilities is growing, with only 6% in work in england. and the organisation which five years ago advise government to close the factory is today say ministers should set statutory recruitment targets which force targets to close that gap. people with learning difficulties have the same rights to equality of life and work as everybody else. so that means we to help them all to get a foothold on the ladder. when he is still waiting for that one elusive opportunity —— jayne mccubbin. still waiting for that one elusive opportunity -- jayne mccubbin. -- wendy. it would make me a different person than what i am now. a better mum for the kids. fingers crossed. yes. fingers crossed opposition is out there for you. a massive fingers crossed for us as well for u