. >> renata pinheiro, a biologist, companies us on a trip through the pristine juggle an river landscape. she says huge amounts of greenhouse gas will be released when the forest is submerged, which will further fuel climate change. 12 indigenous tribes, including the arara, live in the region. the xingu is their lifeblood. >> jose carlos arara is the chief of the tribe. war paint, bows and arrows will hardly stop their new enemies. the government and the power company simply have more power. >> our very existence is in the stars. what will the future hold for our children? if the river disappears, we will disappear as well. >> altamira is 50 kilometers upstream from where the damage to be built. 1/3 of the town is set to be flooded when the waters start to rise, in 2016 if all goes according to plan. altamira is a center of resistance to the dam. many here supports the anti-dam movement. problems are already emerging. the first 3000 construction workers have arrived. and the cost of living here have risen sharply as the number of prostitutes. >> this is a conflict between capital and or