. >> it's also why rene girard begins as a literary critic. he is reading and starting to perceive patterns of desire and in human behavior, he said novelists are the best psychologists. >> that is really true. there is that depth available in literature and it leads to the question, is anybody reading that? are students assigned it and are faculty competent to teach it? when you are in a moment of renewal, the answer is yes and no. >> it was remarked that people will always discover in themselves a hunger for this serious. we can cut it down to everything being about xyz and a political topic and there is no beyond or nothing deep to the human being or primal to existing in this world, being thrown into this world. somewhere, someone, they will pick up dickens or shakespeare and realize there is literature and it reaches to the deep stuff. is fundamentally more satisfying because it's connected to the whole. >> civilization survived as a book in a monastery and it is invisible. it manifests in a church or building or a new work. it is carried