the film is the work of renee dignot, an economist from ireland who lived in japan for six years. filming in tokyo and other parts of the country he spent three years and about $30,000 of his own money making the documentary. his decision to make the film came after a neighbor committed suicide five years ago. >> she was trying to reach out to me for him and quite frankly i ignored her and it left me we regret that i should have done more and taken the time to listen. >> reporter: as he worked on the project he began to realize how many japanese are struggling with a sense of alienation, just like his neighbor had been. no one to talk to and no one aware of her pain. >> duignan released the film last year and since he uploaded it to youtube in march, it's been viewed more than 200,000 times in six months. people around japan have posted messages. >> it made me think a lot. >> finding out that i'm not the only one is a great relief. >> reporter: in making the film, he worked closely with a nonprofit group that provides suicide prevention services in japan. the lifeline for suicide