i'm renee poussaint.orist attacks on september 11th rolled through american society. in addition to destroying thousands of lives and millions of dollars in property, the terrorists had grounded the nation's airlines. because they had slipped past airport security, the saboteurs shook americans' faith in the safety of air travel. fearing more attks, the government shut down the airports and kept the skies empty of commercial traffic. for days, the only people walking the halls of the nation's airports were maintenance workers, marshals, and other security forces. america's economy had come to a screeching halt and congress was under pressure to get it moving again. for veteran republican pollster william mcinturff, the shock of septemberh caused historic shifts in american public opinion. right after the attack, 6 out of 10 americans said they were worried about flying. a month later, still almost a majority of americans said they were worried about flying. i think that people believed and the members of