advice that you can't find on the internet because so many of these pro mieds have been reneedmeepeated ad nauseam. you should save. yes. but should you do an individual account i.r.a.? yes, but that's not a bold insight, that's a fact. yet people make careers out of saying use your array, use your 401(k), cut up your credit cards, spouting brilliant epiphanies like pay your bills on time. great pieces of advice that everybody in america already knows and yet there are people who will still condescendingly tell you just those points and assume it's enough to help you get ahead. i say it's not. basic financial responsibility is just a jumping off point like, hey, diet and exercise, please. i'm the guy who tells you where to go from there because i didn't make a career out of giving people money advice. i made a career out of using money to make even more money and i came to this gig later in life. so how from the perspective of a money manager like me should you go about preparing for retirement? what useful advice can i give you beyond just that you should use your 401(k) plan if you have one and