however, thing are beginning to chge it has been onlyer reny that women have been able to work in stores selling lingerie. the change came about due t o woman's effort. she teaches at a job training center for women. she says there were many times inheashehe way she was treated while buying underwear for herself amounted to sexual harassment. >> reporter: it wasn't my bust size, sometimes wsk me detailed questions. in other countries women work in underwear departments. >> reporter: she started a facebook page called enough embarrassment. she creed this for women to express their opinions onhis and other issues. she shot a video showing an experience she experienced once. in the veo aoueisit the store and is shocked when the employee asks the women's bust size in front of her husband. three months after setting up a facebook page, shead more than 10,000 women calling her. many posted descriptions on their own experiens. her action made huge waves. she was even asked to speak on the mainstream media. >> reporter: in january, one year after she started her facebook page, a decree issued by