but let's talk about renlg lative power, pass legislation as such. let's begin about a pointments for a second. the president, of course, as we all well know is a participant in the legislative process but he does not have an absolute veto. presidential vetoes can and not be overridden. a president's function of approach, the president, for example, might take the position but any legislation passed by the your rum in the state and as we all know, much of the senate's business cess done without a quarter. with that matter, without a vote being taken. there is nothing untushl about pro forma sections. that legislation r lags is lags and unlawful. without invoking even the need to veto it. the president can determine for himself when congress is in recess concerned is so-called pocket veto. the constitution provides a bill is passed by congress and not signed by the president, it becomes law. within ten days, sundays expected, unless congress by its adjournment prevents the return of a bill in which case the bill dies. if the president is able to deter