and, dropped out, then and there, never to return, warren avis who pioneered auto renlsz at airports considered college but decided against it as a waste of time and money. and ed hamiltonings the nation's largest independent mail-order book dealer told me the time and money he saved by not going to college gave him a real head start over his competition, and was the foundation of his eventual success. sean fanning, whose in invention of napster at age 18 almost ruined the multi-billion dollar music industry and was hired by the industry at age 24, in 2007 to come up with a plan to save it. and sean has no college, and told the paper that i read the interview in, he has no plans to get any college. lou washer man, who, more than anyone else created modern hollywood, with his colossal mca talent agency, had no college and almost no attendance in high school. although he has a high school diploma. he preferred instead to work full-time as a movie usher, beginning at age 13, so how did he get dis diploma working as a movie usher? in an interesting fashion. he approached the school princ