. >> thank you commissioner renne jessie deputy director this is mentioned a discussion item for the staffs proposed changes to the form 7 hundred filing obligations for a number of city employees probably numbering around 3 thousand to 32 hundred those are people to as designated employees preliminary hearings that have to file a form 7 hundred for real property interests income, investments and those currently are being filed with their departments those employees vice presidents so they're filled with their department and kept 23 in a file there so earlier this year the commission that had put in the work plan to expand our electronic filing retirements that currently applied to members and boards and departments heads people fill electronically their statements are posted online with certain information redictated to expand to all filers within the city so staff went about crafting regulations to that effect. there are 5 regulations the first essentially requires filing of the statements electronically second requires provides for a waiver for folks that want to file on paper for