counting project will do counts at 25 locations this fll, to complement 25 studied last fall and reocmmendation will be in a pedestrian exposure model based on volume and collision history. past allocation has provided for consultant services for model development. pedestrian improvement projects, $125 million to convert twenty locations from standard to continental, and these locations have been prioritized based on speed, generators, and so forth. locations will be coordinated among two projects. submit requests to the mta for these locations at, and some improvements may improve parking, so there are some design costs incorporated in the project. last is the school crosswork -- crosswalk improvement project. i welcome any questions you might have. commissioner campos: thank you very much for your presentation. why don't we open it up for public comment? any member of the public? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, no questions? we have a motion by avalos, seconded by carmen chu. we can take that without objection. thank you very much. next item. clerk cheng: