replicatingrm, self malware occurred back then. backforward to 2000, orifice. not back office, hackers have a strange sense of humor. turn on your system, microphone, camera, spy on you. how much fun can that be? , love you, three little words it looks like a text file. replicatesn it, self , you end up e-mailing your friends i love you and it goes on and on. it was a big disaster on our internet at the time. what kills me, and this is where education is key, is that only a few weeks later we remember -- basically the same model, it promised it picture of anna kournikova naked. as security professionals, we have to be good at saying, really? [laughter] so when somebody says yes, i will help that prints from nigeria. he has to get his money over here somehow. you can say, really? really? the bill gates decree, 2005, a really interesting time. he said, you know what? no more. we are focusing on security. stop everything else. that is pretty cool. i think that was a pretty cool time. paris hilton got hacked. celebrity hacking comes into play. 2010, we see nationst