they were observational, reportorial. -- theye films like were extraordinarily different films that came about and i always thought that we needed to young anderies that older producers, reporters and filmmakers would look at and say i can learn from that. the people who come to me and say how do you make these films, i would like to get into documentaries. i would watch a lot of them and try to deconstruct them and look for the ones that suit you and the kind of film you make because ultimately, these are works of authorship. if you encourage authors because they do good work, then you begin to build a body of work. , initially, judy was anchoring the series after just establishing the first season. there is a certain point we felt like we would take the action at -- time and we began to use as a voice and we made that decision that you would -- they would be something in the quality of the words, and the quality of the storyline where you would say that is that show. there was a value to that. there were people that question that will is kind of and the patriarchy and all kind of reaso