genworth 14, the port released a request for reposal rfp, and we received a number of them on march 18. the rfp included four phases of work, including the master plan, facing program and cost estimates for the entire are approximately 7 acre site, schematic design, and for the initial construction phase, which is about seven months long. i should back up to say the master planning is anticipated to take 11 months. it then detailed design specifications for the initial construction phase, faced three. and construction support, which will take approximately 18 months. if authorized, or approved for this, this would be 4 pages one and two of the master plan and the schematic design for the initial construction. again, the rfp was released on january 24. we had a previous meeting on february 17, and the second was february 4. approximately 71 people attended the meeting. at the rfp also established minimal professional qualifications and require demonstrated experience or similar types of projects. a technical review panel of port staff reviewed all of the responses and determined that fi