. >> each month representativetom cole releases a list on his website. here's a look at the recommended books that focus on the life of the white isenhour. representative cole is currently reading those angry days by lynne olson which looks at the internal debate over the u.s. involvement in world war ii. and he recently finished paul johnson's eisenhower a life. he recommends steven ambrose two volume biography of eisenhower which traces the past from soldier to president. next on the list is going home to glory a memoir of the president by his grandson david eisenhower and his wife julie nixon eisenhower. also on the list is eisenhower the white house years by the editor at large of the los angeles times. next is the personal account of the strategies, battles and outcome of world war ii in crusade in europe. what we witnessed in the first couple of months of the uprising is something i found inspiring not as a student just in politics but a student of history and of politics and identity all over the world. i had come to the leave as a child of the tr