we have to make $25 billion of tax to achieve repriorization. a lot of that repriorization is in the higher education sector. we have a very active fees in outh africa at the moment. we want young people who want to be able to enter into tertiary education. so a combination of different strategies, but we need to try and get all of these to fit together. and i think we do have a fair amount of reassurance to our partners that they will transport us to the best extent they can. even if they are not able to, we'll continue to do what we think needs to be done. >> excellent. so laura, do you want to comment a little bit about what you're seeing as you partner with ministries of finance and treasury and your partner countries? >> there's a lot of talk about efficiency but how does that manifest itself? there's talk about putting more resources to health and other areas. part of the problem is they can't execute the budgets they have. against the global fund recently in uganda, reported that uganda could only execute 46% of the available grant. i thi