the bench, as some of you may know, but i didn't realize, he had been state counsel of the republic of botswana, also partner in carter and milburn and assistant secretary of the treasury in 1981. so will you all come on up here and take your places at the table. judge walker, judge kaye, harold holzer. [ applause ] >> still in the hot seat. >> still in the hot seat. >> fantastic. really, really fantastic. so, this will be the 42nd book? >> no,there will be one between the 41st and -- >> what will that be? >> a book called "emancipating lincoln" a published version of some lectures that i did at the department of afro-american studies at harvard last year for henry louis gates. >> how long will it be before we have this one? >> two years if i stop giving talks about it. >> and what's the adjective that goes before the word lincoln, if the one that precedes it is emancipaing and this one will not be convicting lincoln, what will it be called? >> it's actually called "uncivil wars: the press in the age of lincoln." >> i have a question. what was the -- can you be more precise on what the standard