those are the calls coming from the senior us republicans upgrade justice department report revealed the bureau locked evidence to launch a probing to now deep on collusion claims between former president trump and russia in this needs to finally end shut down the f b i asterisk and yes, this is much more practical than it sounds. the durham report confirms what we already knew. weaponized federal agencies manufactured a false conspiracy theory about from prussia collusion, reminds us of the need to clean house at these agencies as they've never been held accountable for this egregious abuse of power. one of the other revelations, seen in the report focused on hillary clinton's desire to push the trump russian narrative in order to in the 2016 presidential election. which of course last, according to the justice department investigator job, i was brief. on the so called clinton tom. on august 3rd 2016 director brennan met with the president, vice president and other senior administration officials, director brennan's d classified handwritten notes reflect that he brief to the meeting