thatttheebipartisan tallss going on thh hill, which by & the way we are aggressively sticking pointtfor any republiianngg, will come down to border sscurity. the bipartissn plan that's coming ogether here is & expected to require hat the borders be secure before there is finaa pathway to citizenssip.((on-cam tag)) so far, based on what we've seen repprted on the pressdent's plan, that trrgger mechanism doesn't appeaa to be part offtheewhite house bill. in washington, dduu &pluuader, fox newss p3 sstaight aaeadd.. ssill cleaaing up... ámoothsá after sandy."i had to ruu to a bank - two fridays ago ann beg hemm to giveeme a loan." -33 loan."the financiaa roadblocks many fammlies are running companies. ((break 3)) 3 &p 33 victims of superstorm sandy pay they are beggingg he anks 3 while they wait, some are forced tt uue theer life savings to comppete eeaiis. 3 dealing with this....- this... & 3 begging ffr money ii not something catherinee all ever thought she would have to do. i hhd tt run to a bank two & fridays ago nn beg them to give me a loan just so i can 3 is ffniihedddoing this segment of tte wook