when rescuedater, by macarthur, this is how they looked.s wanted to burn of manila. city before our men could kill them all, the suns of heaven thousands of helpless filipino citizens in the inner city. >> coprosperity. peace. enlightenment. that's roughly your enemy, japan. a nation with a tough, seasoned of four million. a nation that can supply a conscripts a year, willing to die. willion that believes we throw it in, because they will outfight us, outlast us, outdie us. a nation hell-bent to rule the nationalcommit suicide. defeating this nation is as necessary as shooting down a mad dog in your neighborhood. with only a portion of our total strength, we have already cracked japan's outer defenses. ♪[music] hasral macarthur brilliantly retaken the philippines and cut their supply the indies. it was the payoff that thrilled hearts of american and filipino defenders of 1942. >> our marines topped their glorious fighting history by 20,000 japanese on awo. on okinawa, we trapped and 100,000 of their best troops. navy... airports sent and mi