live, reseda tumbakova , better known as the girl mowgli, appeared before the court of reseda for a long psychiatrist in a dispensary. and when it was considered that the patient was ready for life in society. reseda returned to her native village, but relations with her neighbors did not immediately work out. basically, the conflicts were due to the fact that tumbakova kept large, vicious dogs, which she set on people. and one such incident ended with the mignonette’s dog biting a girl who ended up in the hospital and the whole village began to turn to authorities with the requirement to protect the girl from them. our correspondent dinarusmanov, met wednesday tumbakova. this is her first interview, right now. we will find out if she is ready to live in harmony with her neighbors. this is a short, fragile-looking woman entering the building of the rural district court at first glance. not like the curse of the whole village, not like an ex-girl, mowgli is dressed not without a claim to elegance and style of manicure, catchy earrings, you can’t say that she has a dark dog past behind her