their planning is that they watch a bunch of heist movies like rififi, and point break and reservoir dogs say all the way through no—one is going to get hurt, but they haven't figured out how no—one is going to get hurt. it is like watching a car crash unfolding in slow motion. it's got this really interesting take on the way in which they feel like their lives somehow aren't coming together and somehow, doing this is going to give them some sense of purpose. also, they all talk each other into doing it, despite the fact that it's completely haphazard. and what i liked about the film is that when it needs to get dark, it's not afraid of doing so. i mean, there is an underlying sort of growing horror about what happens and how it happens and now, looking back on it, reflecting, and also, as i said, all the way through you get this tension between the real narratives and the dramatised narratives. i thought it was really fascinating, but, primarily, because it's a character study. it's about them as characters and about how this completely sort of half—witted thing came together. also, abou