going back to the resolution trust corporation in the crimes of the savings and loan crisis their responseby the industry after that scandal of the eighty's early eighty's was to change the law to make it easier to commit massive fraud sunset of trying to curb abusive behavior the lobbyist for wall street were allowed to change the laws to make it easier to commit abusive behavior and the abuses have gotten much bigger much more leverage much more fallout bigger bailouts and destruction of the economy let me ask you this. fessor being a well rounded intellectual if we go back to seventeen ninety and the words of john locke when the sol civil contract is broken the people must result if we have bankers writing the laws to give them the ability to commit and i'll call it john karr's i committed massive fraud and massive criminality and when you let this happen hasn't a social contract itself be broken your thoughts professor yes i agree orally macs are or even take it a step further it's not just the social contract in the united states that it's is at stake here it is capitalism itself and