quite this is rose plans national cemetery and those who made the ultimate sacrifice or laid to resthere , world war ii, north korea, you can just see row after row, each one a story, each one love, each one with family and relatives also of those who died or served. in the military, they are also laid to rest here so we are coming to the vista point now and if you look overthere , you see the light house. that was an original lighthouse that kept ships from running in to the rocks. the problem was it was too high so you would get fog down below and you couldn't see the light. they built a new one farther down. >> why wasn't this established as a national monument? >> because it's so beautiful. it has the historic significance of cabrillo having discovered the day. heading up now to typhoon and at low tide you can hike around down here. you can see all kinds of little see lights and exhibits and ponds and things that are created by the receiving side. >> we are ending here on the beach, what a better way to end the drive through san diego? but you have to think, what's next for the city?