and laudable but they're out there trying to save these gang members that they're out there restingarresting. that is officer cafe and officer sans, and i think they deserve a great big round of applause. [applause] again, i cannot go into too much detail about the program because we cannot risk exposing these kids were trying to get away from the gangs. as the press release indicated, in cooperation with the community is paramount, and we realize that. these are some of the organizations that we collaborate with. you saw four recognized mini that we work with. i am sorry that susana rojas left. but at this time, i would like alfredo to come over here alfr. alfred no has worked with many organizations within the mission. he was a critical partner with us during the early part of the year when we had the serious gang violence that i mentioned in february of this year. it really could have gotten out of hand. but alfredo was out there on the street every day. he was a tremendous partner. if we recognize some other people and some people were kind of getting the credit for some of the work that