and to add insult to injury, that person is going to retainy, their jobs as a political appointee in the state department. so you have this enormous conflict. as we mentioned before, inspectors general are to be independent of the agency so they can eat receiving a complaint and looking into that misconduct but now you have a political appointee that is the part of the administration acting as well as an independent inspector general which is a flagrant conflict of interest.ct >> this was the first sort of warning shots of the concern. the inspector general who received the allegation from the ukraine whistleblower and handles complaints properly. while there are efforts from informing the congress of the complaint, he went through the chain of command, the head of the agency, and they reported it to the congress as it should be. and what appears to be clear, the retaliation he removed the ig and has still never given any explanation for it other than she didn't like how he handled things. >> host: you write in today's "washington post" it is past time to get inspectors general addit