. >> retension, that's the most important. >> what did you say? >> it is because you are not eating enough, greg. >> who? >> you are thinking about sex. >> a story so amazing i am thinking of asking it out for drinks and then staring at it awkwardly. you will love the next block. guy they want to lend you their ear. i speak of tingle heads. they are sound f -- fetishes. here is jessica roy of time.com to explain. [inaudible]. >> that was arousing. anyway, they can also be triggered by sounds other than whispers. here is some examples. >> drink water. >> scratching on a book. zipping, unzipping. >> this might be the greatest thing i have ever seen. a lot of azmer videos, what does that stand for? >> it is an acro anymore. they are asmr videos. it says, quote, is asmr more about relaxation than stimulation? or is it kind of basically soft core porn? the erotic videos have put a divide in the community between the clean and the dirty and it is threatening, i believe, to tear this country apart. what do you make of this fetish? it makes sense to me. i