we do not only the eye retina scan and the fingerprints but we also do, you have to produce a letterr village, your district or province who can't attest to your ability to store the country of afghanistan, the people of afghanistan. and so, the measure that we've put in place is to track that very carefully so that as a young man in very few select women come into the police and army, we in fact now have a good database to start from to track down. there have not been large numbers. there's only been a handful since i've been there, of those that we have not allowed into the army or police, based on the biometrics. but in fact it has raised the red flag on a few cases. again, just a handful. where we've gone back in and done a little more look at a person's background, based on something that was there in this biomedical database. so that's the method by which we are working towards so we preclude having somebody come in that should not be serving. the second part of that is this idea of leadership. when we set our number one focus was working on leadership, if young men and women a