unarmed black teenager who was shot in august, who sparked this nationwide movement, calling for retomorrowst in the police, but from what they feel is systemic racism in general u.s. society. this is what brown's parents said. we direct any kind of violence towards law enforcement, it won't be tolerated we specifically denounce the actions of stand alone agitators who unsuccessfully attempt to derail the otherwise peaceful and nonviolent movement that has emerged throughout the nation to confront police brutality. certainly those that defend the police, as far as many of the police officers are concerned, this is just about troublesome protestors. this is what they want, they want dead cops, that is why we are giving into their dend mas. at least the suspicion and fear that they have, is that this incident now will derail what has been protests movement just beginning to bear fruit. thank you very much indeed. the world is failing syria that's the damming assess mint by aid organization as the conflict enters it's fifth year, they say it has proven itself to be incapable of ending a crisis