that antioxidants like retta noids vitamin a vitamin c. vitamin e. and other nutrients like rosemary and garlic and fish oil literally buying to increase the body's production of detoxifying enzymes and this isn't some abstract concept there was a paper published in the journal of the national cancer institute nine hundred ninety eight they compared women with and without breast cancer and what they found was is women with the lowest levels of the most common detoxify an enzyme had a four fold increased risk of developing breast cancer so we can control so many of these processes for our immune system for nutrients that allow cancer cells to die normally one thing a lot of people don't realize they've done autopsies studies in young adults that died in their twenty's in either wars or car accidents and they find in the vast majority that there are some dormant cancer and some were going to the body maybe it'll be in the fire roid the prostate the breast but it's dormant so the vast majority of people are walking around with some dormant cancer in the