. >> stephen: i hate to tell you, bill, but the latest ipsos reuters poll has him at 42% among likely republican voters, baby doll. >> maybe. but we've got another year to go, sweetheart. >> stephen: no! not till iowa. not till iowa. it's thanksgiving next week. >> so what? but that's not the election. the election is a year away. >> stephen: noooo. >> the election-- back here and serve you a bowl of trump, when he actually wins hampshire, and wins south carolina. >> stephen: steve? who's steve? who the ( bleep ) is steve? >> oh. >> stephen: are you-- are you my third grade teacher? >> but-- it's-- there's an analogy that might help-- it be you know, it's-- ( laughter ) it's all good. turned off the cameras like five minutes ago. they cut the feed. >> oh, well. >> stephen: go ahead, go ahead. and then-- i mean you realize the first ( bleep ) donald trump. ( bleep ) this, the ( bleep ) is this? get out of here. get me ben carson. i don't know what we're going to what's this? a box. it takes worn out things and makes them better. it's our biggest breakthrough yet. we're taking worn out