the scandal itself is growing in detail, reuther, citing a transcript of the call to the ambulance, writest austin was initially called for an ambulance without sirens and flashing lights, so as not to attract attention. on the phone they said it was probably my wife. we don't want to make any noise, we'll try to hide the minister's small problem. according to the daily beast, austin was in pre-pregnancy . answering the question: the ambulance, whether the pentagon chief retains complete clarity of mind and whether his consciousness is confused, they did not answer very legibly, they said something about nausea, pain in the area of the abdominal cavity, hips and legs. in general, these are the symptoms that us hegemony causes in most of the civilized world. is he mentally confused or something like that? was he vomiting, was there blood in his stool? no. experienced severe pain in my leg, hip and abdomen. i will also be outside the residence waiting for the ambulance to take him inside. we have an excellent army, when there are excellent people there, we have such people, i know them, th