masaryk was the first president of czechoslovakia, anda national hero. >>there have been many negativereactions, especially from older people who revere masaryk.that is fullyegitimate. but i have also been accused oftrying to profit from a sensationalist, tabloid topic.reporter: yet vondracek just wants to find out who masaryk'sfather was. is the man who led the czechsand slovaks to independence from austria-hungary after world wari really the son of a coach driver?or could he be the illegitimate son of austria's last emperorfranz josef? for many czechs, that'sunthinkable. lubo velek heads the masarykarchives which manage the former president's comprises 2500 boxes of material.he does not buy the story that masaryk is the emperor's son. >>i would regard it as rather a>>i would regard it as rather a bad joke, a prank played byhistory, because then the son would have destroyed thefather's monarchy. reporter: so there are stillsome hurdles to finding out the truth.until then, masaryk patiently guards prague castle, theofficial residence of czech presidents.the flag here bears the national motto, truth vondracek keeps searching for the tr