ah, reverend powell, hi, i'm joe. she's helen. - hello. that you took the time to come here and talk with us today. - so, you're getting married. tell me, why? - well, i love her, she loves me, there's not really much more to it. - love to start, but marriage takes work and patience. - patience, got it, anything else? - joe, sweetheart, slow down. we have no place to go. - i'm reminded the shepherd was resting with his flock by the side of the-- - road, river, silvery moon? - no, meadow. - can i get you something to drink? a double espresso? - thank you, no. cups today. (upbeat instrumentals) - ah, i can't believe we're here where the magic happens. oh, look, look, right there, right there is where mary pat broke down and confessed she once did a porn video. and right here, right here is where she just broke down and confessed that she paid for her tummy tuck out of the show's petty cash. she's human, like the rest of us. - damn. - what's wrong? - you know what? before i left the house this morning i think i might've