many keeping an eye on what reverendpj& sharpton will be sg as well. as it continues to unfold he appeared on some of the sunday shows yesterday. he has been criticized for appearing to seek too much of a side before the investigation even concludes this is how he remarks during the investigation. >> our focus is making sure the dual investigations one by the local prosecutor and justice department move forward and they are thorough. quite frankly they are spending a great deal of time to do that. in order to get justice you have to have thorough investigations with greater transparency. >> over the weekend supporters from darren wilson also cam out for the first time. they have raised 400,000 for the family. >> a mystery in florida after four bodies are found floating in the water off the coast. two-miles east of hollywood beach. then two more bodies were found all of them male. none had identification on them. aaron is turning up no vessel making it nearly impossible to figure out where they came from. a man is in custody after a dense standoff with