ex-progressives led by obama, pelosi and michael moore combine the revolutionary ambitions of 1950s communiststh the repressive tendencies of the secular humanists, the progressives don't stand for anything except the destruction of all that is good in america. every cause they champion is part of their master plan to seize power and tyrannize everyone, but that's a story for another chapter. more broadly, conservatives found in the area of secular humanism and the irs desegregation threat a new strategy for extending and mobilizing their political base. invent a liberal conspiracy that indoctrinates children with immoral, anti-christian ideas. they have repeatedly exploited the fear of brainwashing to provoke outraged hostility towards anything they oppose including women's rights, gay rights and the teaching of evolution. as well as to incite resentment against a certain president who may be a marxist. in the process be they began to hue a new fish sure in the american society transforming modest political divisions into an unbridled conflict between white christian conservatives and their i