ke many revution, thi one at scos itenemy, reres its dead, and asks everyone, are you for us o agastithuch of the coury sll undegaddi, a nationalnity governmenis not yet possible. it was in the benghazi courthouse of the transiona counc iniallyormed. >> we re facg a big challenge, becau we're not ofesonals to ild country. and it was not planned because it is from the protests in front of the cot. iturned spoaneoly to a revolution. we face tt. we're happy aut that. anwe wt to prote ts revolution >> inside,osters and pronouncements bea witne to the couil's sy and to the revolutionsratitude for france's rly recognition of it, a legitimateoice of the byan people. li revolutionary committs from paris tpetrrad,the cocil more of andea than an ititution. buwe we determined find it. we went to a conrenc center where whear the coucil meets. although the cncil as such has no oice blding or headquarters and its members converge for meetings this is where the sessions happen. it i to this door that foreigners beat a ph. >> canou tell uwhat time th meetg is? >> i do not kw. >> he tried to negiate