hey, guys, there's a problem with the rfid data i need to show you guys. all right. well, put it up. okay, i managed to map the movements of the students. now, these red dots-- these are students. and the black x's-- those are the shooters. now, during the first two minutes of the attack, the students behaved as one would expect. all right. well, then, what's the problem? eventually, a group of students actually started moving toward shooter number two. maybe there was a dead end over there or something. no. no. i walked those halls. there was no dead end, david. but check this out. these are the locations and the times of death of our murdered victims. now, according to the data, the time between the murder of victim number four and the murder of victim number seven was 33 seconds. however, i retraced the steps of shooter number two, and i found that where victim number four was murdered to where victims numbers five, six and seven were murdered, took twice that amount of time. so what does that mean? we know that shooter number one took out these three victims. and