at limits on the hi joel with his job will be va from rfifi radio hello. one on the fat helello ad hello hello i'm actually pleased to see e you again. what i saidid was that so much and your- not gonna make research- with basins post personalized.. a week. and the film m heard yo- he- or on the try. we have had. for homes info job also people. in june e law y year you were r. in a a- as you were a- big to. a free byy i'll about. your. pardon she's a specialized. . fr a she you werere released on the twentieth of march shehe still impress at alfa present crown yoyou were accused of cririmes against the state propaganda eccentric but what happened onn the fiftfth of june t twenty ninineteen as you landed into front the office cut u up peters should whatever they happen very fast. jeez have just arriveved in iran and i was through the formalities to get the visasa at the airportrt. ass the case nowadays and it has been that for some y years it's a- sip on aussie film and that was duriring that procedure worlds arrested in the past around commodity where when