. >> rgb? >> i want to give paul credit for a couple of things.o howard university and spoke to black students when no republican was willing to go and do that. that showed a lot of courage. >> these are the kind of ideas. whether i agree with them or not, he didn't mention he is going to allow imgranlts to come in -- i better be careful here. >> no, relax. >> keep going bob. >> it's going so well so far. >> stand down, bob. >> i want to congratulate you on getting on your show. i was on your show last week and you bgot the top rated show. >> okay. >> we'll see how i do against paul. >> bob can make things happen. do you think that his plan is not only economic but it's also educati education. it's socioeconomic. >> on the epa stuff i can see from a messaging standpoint you have to be careful because moms hear dirty water, dirty air, my kids aren't going to be protected. they have to be careful with a mess angels like that. i think that kentucky has a lot of problems. probably could use some attention right now and they would love his attention bu