has he quickened that is áhe lly me lk together with him ving fgiven you all trespaes thas where rgiveness li why is a arrest verse 14 btting out the hand writing ordinances that was against us which was coturning to uto get out of the way naing it to the cross in other words it s completed he became that naed to thecrs wdat was it exact nailed their lips read and learn verse0 having spoiled principalies and powers that means even @ syntonic evil spirits he made k%ng over them in it that me victory comes to you when u find that peace mind that beuse you use the power that chri ges you in his name follow the true christ and his instructions witfaith and belief 16 t no man did @ yoin meat orn drink orn or goon or of the sabbath days why their not of the cross whicare shadow of things to come theody is of christ syou' not goingo find rest in you where else u cannot find it in some day of the week set aside and worship today you must ratr find cist wohip m every @@ day the week and be in his rest every day of the week to have the cpleáeness of following the rdesus christ know we wn you are ig him